(Week 132) April 27th – May 3rd

           Meal Plans
(Week 132) April 27th – May 3rd
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Your meal plan is your guide for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks. All of the recipes found within the meal plan are found on our website. We have even taken the work out of having to search for these recipes by including a hyperlink to each recipe within the meal plan.

Along with your meal plan, you have a shopping list. Each week before you head off to the grocery store, print your shopping list. Save yourself some money by perusing through your kitchen, garden and fridge for any items you may already have. If you already have some items on hand, subtract those items from the shopping list and fill in the actual amount needed in the “Need” column of your list.

One more thing you need before you head out to the store…your staples list. The staples list is an inventory of frequently used items that can be stored in your pantry or fridge for longer periods of time. These items are not included in the weekly shopping list and should be purchased, stored, and restocked as needed. Once these items have been purchased, the easiest way to maintain a well-stocked pantry is to immediately replace any ingredients when they fall below 1/3 of the amount listed on the staples list. For example, when your olive oil falls below 1/3 of a bottle, mark the ingredient on your staples list to be purchased on you next shopping trip.

Staples List

Shopping List

Meal Planner